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Earn Sips- Book a sessionGet 100 Sips
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Redeem Rewards- 10% off all store products300 Sips = 10% off for all store products
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- 600 total earned points required
Access to special offers and Earn More PointsEarn Sips- Book a sessionGet 150 Sips
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Redeem Rewards- 10% off all store products300 Sips = 10% off for all store products
- Winter Specials200 Sips = 10% off a specific category
- 1,200 total earned points required
VIP Gin Club, Early Access to New Products and Unique Special OffersEarn Sips- Book a sessionGet 150 Sips
- Earn Points TodayGet 300 Sips
- Purchase a productGet 8 Sips for every £1 spent
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Redeem Rewards- 10% off all store products300 Sips = 20% off for all store products
- Winter Specials200 Sips = 15% off a specific category
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